
发表时间:2014/11/7 11:03:40


今天考了两套题,四箭齐发小范围A卷命中Task 2/3/4/5,而TASK 16有高度相似的题目,其中VIP用户更是有TASK 3TASK 5的讲座音频和口语答案示范录音。
1. (本题有题目高度相似,小范围有道独立口语题讲的如何花钱治理交通)
钱投资在哪一块:tourism, new park, transportation
Some people prefer a high-paying job that requires them to relocate to other cities. Others prefer to get paid less and stay in the city they live in. Which do you prefer and why? Please include reasons arid examples to support your choice.
3. (四箭齐发小范围命中)
学生写倡议书(标题是Clean-Up Campus)给校报提议学校应对在校园内乱扔垃圾litter 的学生罚款should impose monetary penalty on students who throw trashes.每人被罚15美元each student must pay 15 dollars fees. 好处1make the campus cleaner. 好处2the university can raise extra money.女生赞成此提议.理由1、她的家乡hometown以前很脏.通过实行carry out 类似政策that kind of policy,她的家乡变得很干净the town became cleaner.理由2、对乱扔垃圾者罚款,可使校园变得干净will become cleaner学校可少雇佣一些清洁工cleansers扫地,继而可节省好多费用decrease the money used on the protection of the campus environment.
4. (四箭齐发小范围命中)
The Abilene paradox (艾比利尼反论):当群体在做决策时,to please others, every group member may agree with a decision, which is actually a decision that none of the individuals intended to do.
教授举一个例子.在一个炎热夏天的下午,all the three members in a family are having a great time staying together and are really comfortable. The father comes up with an idea to go town and have dinner in a restaurant,因为他担心mother and daughter 应该觉得无聊,are willing to go. Though the mom thinks it's going to be a boring long way, she still agrees because she thinks that's what the father wants. The daughter doesn't want to go there either, but she doesn't want to let her parents down, so she says yes anyway. After the trip, all of the three think that it was exhausting and the dinner was terrible. Then the mother and the daughter express original thoughts. Finally, the father says that he wanted to go there only because he thought it was boring to just stay at home.每个人都做出了违背自己意愿的决定。
5. (四箭齐发小范围命中)
男生他答应他朋友要送她去工作,但是他发现他有个staff meeting。选择一,打电话给他朋友叫她自己去;选择二,先送他朋友去工作,再赶过去,会迟到一点时间,但他的BOSS 不会喜欢
6. (本题有题目高度相似,小范围有道题讲的是防捕食者)
How animals protect themselves from predators when sleeping. 两种方式:1 是靠环境,例子是蜥蜴,predator来的时候树枝会move and shake,就可以有时间逃跑 2是鸭子睡觉时部分脑子是醒着的,可以一只眼睛睁开,一只眼睛必起来,就能发现predator.
阅读: To Build Crossings for wildlife 的缺点
(1)动物不会用这些为他们建的 crossings; they are not trained to make use of it
(2)弄这些crossings 很浪费钱啊: Financial waste
(3)而且the areas affected by road or by other human development that have already been damaged too much. Not a long term strategy. 因栖息地都坏掉,不要(无法)crossings,这样可以保护动物待在同一个区,虽然这样也许会让 population 下降。
(1)说虽然动物现在不会用这些 crossings,但是他们是可以学习的嘛,比如十年后,他们就会用了。
(2)教授说不浪费钱啊,动物和人之间的 collisions 不仅对动物,对人类也造成了很大伤害,很多人都受伤了还是怎么的,说考虑到这些因素,建 crossings 能保护人类啊。
(3)教授说动物们待在一个保护区里不能去别的地方,数量当然下降了, crossings 可以连结 fragmental 的栖息地,然后动物就可以自由自在的穿梭,繁衍生息
Getting advice from older friends is more valuable than getting advice from friends your age.
1. 房子最重要的是什么
2. 和朋友一起去看电影or concert是不是more enjoyable?
3. 学校invite a business have a talk at graduation ceremony 女生不同意 1 always business可以找不同职业的有影响力的老师等等的 2那个项目已经很大很广为人知了不需要多余的努力了。但是有的老师有很的项目大家却不知道。
4. impressive management
5. 学生想赚钱。去书店打工,但会花很多时间; 或者share internship, 但学的东西会少
6. moral suasion 用道德约束会很有效来制止污染 smoky bear还有循环利用的容器当例子。
Nowadays it is not important for family to regularly have a meal together.

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