今天是中国,也是全世界在2014年的最后一场托福考试,四箭齐发小范围再创辉煌,四箭齐发小范围在12月28日独家命中口语写作全套(即口语TASK 1/2/3/4/5/6+独立写作+综合写作),另外,四箭齐发专门针对12月28日的词汇题单项预测加场特别版在今天逆天全中!四箭齐发再度成为命中冠军。
1.Your friend feels scared to speak in front of a group of people. What suggestion would you like to give to this friend and explain how this suggestion could help your friend? Include reasons and details to support your response.
2. Some people prefer to take records such as travel journals or pictures when they are on a trip; while others don't. Which do you prefer? Include reasons and details in your response.
听力:女孩子反对。两个原因。理由1 :图书馆不远处就有咖啡店,可以去那里喝了再回图书馆,而且学 习中间休息一下也很好;理由2 :就算再怎么小心,the accident happens sometimes,饮料还是有可能洒到书上,造成毁损,学校就得换书和其他设备了。
4.阅读:Information overload信息超载,说信息超载发生在一个人接受了太多信息,以至于他没办法去消化分类这些信息, 通常来说有两种解决方法,(1)每个信息只看部分;(2)不看了,直到他认为已看到的信息被消化完全,即information overload 结束后再一起处理
。 听力:教授举例,(1)公司招人,结果发来了很多application,结果负责人最后只看简历的某个部分, work history,而忽略其他的;(2) —个学化学的要别人推荐一些论文看,结果每周都收到很多的 recommendations,这个人受不了,最后 did not read any paper。
5.女学生因为学习和晚上part-time job没时间锻炼身体,(1)她说早上骑车代替搭公交车去上课,可以锻 炼,缺点是路上花时间更长而且有点热,出汗了,没法洗澡,不舒服。(2)男生建议早上去健身房,健身 完了可以洗澡,但是要起的很早才不会耽误课。
(1)basking : Arctic butterfly expose to sunshine in daytime. To spread its swings to absorb heat (面:对太阳,展开翅膀,用翅膀吸收太阳的热量);
(2)freezing Arctic fly 能分泌一种 chemical can prevent from being freezing (让体内的水分象结来tolerate极寒,体内的chemical可以防止珠伤,温度升高后再thaw and resume to be active as normal)。
1.阅读:marsupials不如placental mammals.适应性强。给了三原因:
(1)marsupial的幼崽joeys,没发育完全就生出来了,所以需要装在pouch里,vulnerable,抵抗力很差, immune system不行;而placental的幼崽生下来就发育完全了,比较高级。
(2)marsupial can't effectively control their body temperature, this is a great disadvantage so they are inferior to placental ;
(3)marsupial.竞争不过 placental,澳洲 kangaroo 那么多完全是因为没有 placental.竞争(marsupial only thrive in Australia because placental didn't arrive there until recently)。
(1)joeys 在妈妈的 口袋里很安全(marsupial's joeys can be protected in pouches and develop their organs, this can give them more time to cope with environmental challenges.)喝妈妈的奶增强抵抗力(defeat infection ),帮助建立 immune system,很有适应力(They can get antibody from milk of parent);
(2)marsupial不光能控制体温还能故意改变体温,比如降低体温减少体力消耗增强存活率(some marsupials lower their body temperature on purpose in order to save energy, so it's not true);
(3)两种哺乳动物共同生存在Australia的时间是Millions of years ago’而不是文章中说的until recently,所以placental不用和marsupial.竞争。(archeology shows that there were placental in Australia but they didn't manage to survive. So it’s not true that marsupials can't compete with placentas, on the contrary, they are the winner.)
问题:summarize the lecture and show how does it related with the points in the passage.
It's important for government to provide money for beautiful things than the practical things.