11月2日口语TASK 2/3/4/5/6四箭齐发小范围独家命中,TASK 1大范围命中。其中的口语TASK4更是真题命中,带有讲座音频的哦。其他部分的命中情况,还在进一步统计中。
Talk about a type ofmovie you do not like(action, romance, science fiction). Explain why you do notlike this type of movie.
Some people prefer toread or watch news every day, others don‘t prefer to read orwatch news regularly. Which way do you prefer and why? Include reasons andexamples in you explanation.
阅读:大学的dininghall 到晚上7 点就关闭了,对于有晚自习的学生来说非常不便利,学生建议食堂最好开到晚上9 点,这样下课后也能有宵夜吃,不至于去学校外面吃价格昂贵的快餐了。
听力:Paul 认为食堂延期到晚上9 点是很不错的想法,主要原因是大学食堂比外面的饭馆更干净卫生,而且营养搭配比较好,最重要的是价格比较便宜,学生下了晚自习不用出校门就能吃到饭,非常的方便。
【名词解释】:Twoprocesses that learn new things: assimilation and accommodation.assimilation 是把新的概念融合到自己已知相克念的类别里put the new things into the category theyalready knew, accommodation则是把已知的类别扩充从而容纳新的概念child canmodify the old category to let new object in.
【教授举例】:教授讲了他女儿的例子.例子1、when his daughter was young,she often sawbirds flying around outside the window. Whenever she saw birds, she will said"Birds,Birds.", no matter what colors and sizes they were.这叫做 assimilation.例子 2、后来有一次 once she went to the zoo and saw an ostrich她认为虽然此动物像鸟,但it couldn’t fly and was large,所以她认为那不是鸟.教授告诉她女这也是鸟,Finally,she defined it a bird.这叫做 accommodation.
【学生困难】:女生还有一个学期毕业,要再修一门历史才能毕业needsto take one more history course to fulfill the requirement。她registered —个professor的历史课,但是因为选的人太少这个课被cancel 了 but just
a few student registered this class so it will be canceled.
【解决方案】:男生给她两方案:方案1、学另一类似的历史课chose another course,但她说剩下的历史课都比较 boring 怕不感兴趣 interested,学不好 if she cannot take the course she likes, shecouldn’t study well.
方案 2、下个学期选这教授的 independent class(do the independent study aboutthis course).女生想学习 history under theteacher's help ^她之前这么做过一次,虽然学到很多东西,但是作业太多了have much more work than
the regular class(such as writing 30 pages paper),影响学习.转述女的困难和方案,你的建议及理由.
方法1、控制温度:食物放在室温下很容易spoil,是因为在常温下bacteria很容易繁殖.因此要控制食物保存的温度temperature.举例:说鲜鱼fresh water fish,如果夏天放在阳光下很快就臭了.放冰箱里frozen的话,就可以slow down bacteria繁殖速度,鱼就可以保存几个月.
方法2、控制湿度:water content是让食物spoil的一大杀手,所以要控制食物里的湿度moisture举例:regular milk放上几天就坏了,奶粉powder milk水分少,保存一年都很ok.
a very long time. Forexample, regular, liquid milk usually goes sour in just a couple of days;however, when we dehydrate milk and make it into milk powder, it can bepreserved up to a year.
(1) 工具spear points更像欧洲
(2) 人类骨骼残害skull更像欧洲
(3) 去欧洲路线更容易
(1) spear points是北美居民自己发展的,因为欧洲跟美洲都有很多大型哺乳类动物,他们为了要打猎,发展出相似的spear points
(2) 美洲的skull并不是全部都和欧洲相似,(好像有提及只有a singer一样)
(3) 那时的欧洲人可能还没有发展出航海的能力(sea travel),而且路线比较简单不代表他们要冒着危险去美洲
People often buy products not because they really need them but because other people have them.